Monosij Maitra

Email: {first name} AT / {first name.last name} AT

Office: Room 307, CSE Main Building, IIT Kharagpur.

I work as a faculty in the CSE department at IIT Kharagpur. My research interests are broadly in the theory and applications of public-key cryptography with a focus on computing on encrypted/authenticated data and building tools to enable distributed trust.

Before joining IIT Kharagpur, I worked as a postdoc jointly with Eike Kiltz (at Ruhr-Universität Bochum) & Giulio Malavolta (at Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy). Prior to that, I worked as a postdoc with Sebastian Faust (at TU Darmstadt). Earlier, I received a PhD in CSE from IIT Madras and then worked as a research staff at CCD@IITM. During PhD, I was very fortunate to be advised by Shweta Agrawal.

Research: Publications/Preprints/Patents [DBLP] [Google Scholar]

[PhD Thesis]

[Patent(s) Filed/Published]

Professional Activities
