CS21202: Switching Circuits and Logic Design [L-T-P: 3-1-0]
Course Outline
- Number Systems: Representation of unsigned and signed integers, 1's and 2's complement representation. Binary addition and subtraction. BCD and Gray codes. Error detection and correction using Hamming code.
- Switching Theory: Boolean algebra, logic gates and logic families to implement gates, and switching functions, truth tables and switching expressions, functional completeness.
- Minimization of Boolean Functions: Minimization of completely and incompletely specified switching functions, Karnaugh map and Quine-McCluskey method, representation and manipulation of functions using BDDs, two-level and multi-level logic circuit synthesis.
- Combinational Logic Circuits: Multiplexer, Encoder, Decoder, Comparator. Half adder and full adder, Ripple-carry and Carry-lookahead adder. Realization of Boolean functions using NAND/NOR gates, Multiplexers, ROMs, Binary Decision Diagrams. Case studies.
- Sequential Circuits: Clocking and timing, Flip-flops, Latches, Counters and Shift registers. Finite-state machine model, Synthesis of synchronous sequential circuits, Minimization and State assignment. Asynchronous sequential circuits: basic concept, static and dynamic hazards.
- D/A, A/D Converters: Digital-to-Analog and Analog-to-Digital converters, Basic terminologies and design alternatives.
- ASM Charts: ASM charts: Representation of sequential circuits using ASM charts, synthesis of output and next state functions.
Course Logistics
- [NC243]: Roll numbers ending with an ODD digit
- [NC244]: Roll numbers ending with an EVEN digit
- First class: 02/01/25 (Thursday)
- Monday: 10:00 - 10:55 AM (Lec)
- Wednesday: 8:00 - 9:55 AM (Lec)
- Thursday: 10:00 - 10:55 AM (Tut)
- Class-tests: TBD
- Mid-sem: TBD
- End-sem: TBD
Marks Breakup
- [30%]: Mid semester exam
- [50%]: End semester exam
- [20%]: Class tests/Attendance
[NOTE]: Regular tutorials will be conducted by the faculties (mostly each Thursday) in addition to the lectures.
Attending classes is mandatory. Each student's attendance must be >= 75% at all times during the course, failing which one may be deregistered.
Books and References
The textbooks listed below will be followed for lectures. Every student is expected to have access to at least the book by Kohavi & Jha. Copies of slides and other study materials will be periodically uploaded on CSE Moodle, but only for reference purpose and may not cover all the materials that are covered in the lectures.
- Switching and Finite Automata Theory, 3rd Edition, Cambridge University Press. (By Zvi Kohavi and Niraj K. Jha) [Textbook]
- Digital Design With An Introduction to Verilog HDL, 6th Edition, Pearson Press. (By M. Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti) [Textbook]
- Contemporary Logic Design, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, 2005. (By Randy H. Katz and Gaetano Borriello)
- Digital Integrated Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2017. (By Herbert Taub and Donald L. Schilling)